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SFC Umwelttechnik GmbH at the 13th SEEGEN operator experience exchange in Flachau/Salzburg

Betreiber-Erfahrungsaustausch Flachau

Heizkraftwerk Flachau

On April 12 and 13, 2016 SFCU´s engineer Karl Winkler presented SFCU´s C-MEM technology at the exhibition organized by SEEGEN Co. during its 13th operator experience exchange, which focussed on plant optimization and ash dump this year.

And Dr. Simon Jabornig, SFCU´s C-MEM specialist, participated in the guided tour through the biomass heating plant Holzwärme Flachau to provide the visitors with information about the C-MEM technology and answer questions about it respectively. As early as 2014 SFCU had implemented a C-MEM plant for ultrafiltration there, which – combined with a biofilm reactor for ammonium und nitrite removal – separates ashes and other dissolved substances from the condensate wastewater. Since then 14,000 m³ wastewater have been treated and 300,000 kWh heat have been recovered, which means a total saving of ca. 100,000 EUR.

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