+43 (0) 662 434902
SMART UF – Containerized High Performance Ultrafiltration System

Flow: up to 200 m³/d

Modules: 2

Start-up: 2020


The SMART UF system is a preassembled containerized water / wastewater treatment system and have numerous applications

  • Water reuse from WWTP (“NewWater”);
  • Drinking water purification (Ground and surface water treatment);
  • Mobile water treatment plants – emergency water supply.
  • Tertiary filtration – Wastewater disinfection;
  • Membrane Bioreactor – MBR;
  • Membrane moving bed biofilm reactor  – MBBR;
  • Reverse Osmosis pre-treatment;
  • Grey and rain water treatment;
  • Elimination of turbidity, algae, bacteria and viruses (Fe, Mn, As with pre-oxidation process)
  • Elimination of Cryptosporidia and Giardia
  • Small plants for households and smaller villages