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Flue Gas Condensate

The treatment of flue gas condensate presents a complex challenge that poses significant environmental and cost issues for municipal biomass power plants and the wood industry.

Learn how SFC Umwelttechnik tackles these challenges with its innovative technology, making plants more efficient and sustainable.

In biomass power plants, biomass such as wood residues is used to generate heat and electricity. This naturally contains a lot of water, which requires a significant amount of energy during combustion. The resulting flue gas, therefore, contains a high water content that can be condensed to recover the heat. However, this condensate is heavily polluted with organic substances, nitrogen, and heavy metals and can amount to several hundred thousand liters per day. Disposing of this contaminated condensate via the sewer system is costly and sometimes even prohibited. Additionally, biomass power plants often face space constraints, further complicating the situation.

Solution: Flue Gas Condensate Treatment

SFC Umwelttechnik has developed a unique combination of processes utilizing MBBR™ (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) and C-MEM™ (Ultrafiltration) to efficiently treat the condensate. These robust processes ensure high water quality, which can be clarified and then either discharged into rivers or reused internally. Our space-saving technologies are ideal for retrofitting existing plants and provide a sustainable solution to these challenges. By employing our innovative systems, biomass power plants can increase their efficiency while protecting the environment.

In which areas are our technologies used?

Our solutions for biomass condensate treatment are particularly valuable for municipal biomass power plants and the wood industry. Reference projects in Flachau and Großarl, as well as in industrial plants of Hasslacher, Pfeifer, Donausäge, and R+Z, demonstrate the successful implementation and benefits of this technology in practice.

Discover how SFC Umwelttechnik contributes to improving the efficiency and sustainability of biomass power plants with customized solutions for biomass condensate treatment while preserving the environment.

SFC Flue Gas Condensate Treatment

C-MEM™ MBR Ultrafiltration Technology

C-MEM™ Ultrafiltration Technology